So what exactly is My CP & Me, L.L.C. We are glad you asked My CP & Me, L.L.C. is a social networking platform provided to you in order to allow you and your loved ones to communicate about what it’s like having a life affected by Cerebral Palsy. We aim to provide everyone, whether or not they themselves are affected with CP or they are simply a loved one or even friend of someone with CP. This platform is intended to connect and empower all of us. Maybe you want to share a funny story that happened as a result of your life with CP; maybe there’s a trick you learned that makes living with Cerebral Palsy easier and you just want to share the advice. Maybe you have an assistive technology or service that has helped you manage your disability better and you want to share the details with the community. Whatever the reason we welcome your content and strive to create a healthy and inclusive community of people who have had their lives touched by Cerebral Palsy